PODCAST: Doing Right By Yourself!

Faye speaks with Beauty Broadcaster Nicola Bonn

Nicola Bonn: In this episode I get to know the truly inspiring Faye Speedie. Faye was forced to take a step back from her high powered role in the beauty industry due to health issues and the fact that she was finding it hard to conceive.

During the episode we chat about issues that apply to so many of us. From health to the pain of not being able to conceive, to having the strength to step away from your career to starting an incredible and successful company on your own…it’s all here. Faye and I also have a great chat about the beauty industry and she also gives some of her own excellent recommendations.

Faye’s company Beauty Bulb helps beauty, personal care and wellbeing brands in a number of ways including with sales and business growth. You can find her and her brilliant team at beautybulb.co.uk.